No, this isn’t my periodic whine about Eudora. It’s about a useful little utility I used all the time called DragThing.
DragThing was a Macintosh application that presented a persistent, highly customizable shortcut window. It died when Apple released Catalina which no longer had the APIs needed for it to run.
I know it was part of a broader catalog called launchers and most people just hit a key combination to select apps to launch or use the Mac Dock (which I acknowledge is persistent). I’ve tried uBar and dozens of other good launchers. I do like the Mac Launchpad which feels very cool and Linux-like.
But the thing that I loved about DragThing was it enabled me to group apps into workflows. And documents. And anything else that could be launched with a click. Once upon a time before System X, you could organize your Mac apps into folders to accomplish something similar. And yes, I can do something similar with aliases.
But durn it, there was this piece of software that did exactly what I wanted, exactly the way I wanted it. So DragThing is “Software I Miss ™” Number Two.